I’m an Ace of Spade
While you are a Joker,
So don’t hold it against me
Stop holding your breath-
‘Cause you won’t wield this Spade
‘Till its Wielder last breath.

I’m a clean cut.
Got no torn edges
Just a sharp knife
That cuts throu the pages.

You wish I was red, you wish I was yours
But you desire the Spade
Not the Ace that it sworn.
You are the Joker so colourfull and loud
You make yourself heard over any crowd
And yet you’re denied a simple wish;

„How can a Spade be so foolish?”

I’m sharp one.
Don’t intend to be mean.
You’re a book of pleasure
I’m the knife of my kin.

155 vizualizări
Articolul anterior
Activitățile extrașcolare în Japonia, o lecție de civism / Anișoara Țâru și Adrian Țâru
Articolul următor
Despre rușine și educație / Andrei Alexandrov

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